Infinity, unlike Infinity Equals One, to be sure, is not a new idea. It has clearly possibly been around for an infinitely long, long time and, like most people, it’s a concept that I was first introduced to as a child. It is something that easily captures the imagination.

It’s also something that can create a strong sense of nausea when thought about for too long. And it draws out a few really big questions, like: Seriously?, What?, How the fuck does that work? and: How can something have and continue to exist forever with no beginning and no end? Those are questions I asked myself as a child and they have stuck with me ever since.
Infinity, how does that work? Yeah, that’s a challenging question to answer as an adult never mind as a child. And after a near lifetime of asking that question, probably tens of thousands of times, I have come to some conclusions. Well, to be honest, I’d say they’re answers more so than theoretical conclusions, because I can demonstrate, in real life, the impact that infinity has on our world and our lives, by way of the property of infinite uncertainty. But that is part of a much much larger reality, and you’ll have to wait until that gets published.
Anyway, it turns out that infinity is more, and less, than something that just goes on forever. It turns out that infinity is absolutely necessary, has real world positive consequences, and there are negative consequences when it is overly constrained. It exists as a real impactful thing, not just some mathematical curiosity. It also turns out that it has a more fundamental expression and definition, and that is, ∞ = 1, infinity equals one.
Firstly though, before we get into infinity equals one, I’d like to share with you a brief personal history about how all this came about.
I was born into a Catholic family, and religion was a thing. It was a really big thing. And that meant having to suffer church every Sunday, holy days and most other days when there was enough pressure applied. Funerals too, but they were a good money maker during the week, by way of £5 tips for missing out on school. Also, fortunately for me, during this excruciatingly close encounter with the catholic church, I managed to get out the other side of it completely unscathed, phew.
It was during this early period of my life though, that I was first introduced to the idea of God. For a child, this reality of the existence of God is a truly extraordinary revelation. Something that powerful, yet invisible, and creator of the universe, but, still playing second fiddle to Santa, for obvious reasons. Clearly this God thing was something that needed paying attention to.
So it was, during some catholic education stuff in a churchy catholic school type setting, to be honest, I don’t recall the exact time or place, but it was then that an absolutely mind blowing proposition was first put to me, and that is;
God always has been, and, always will be.
I’m sitting here laughing and shaking my head as I write those words, I kid you not.
This is, of course, my introduction into the idea of infinity, which has to some extent or another left me scratching for answers my whole life. Now that I have considered, and resolved, the more fundamental idea of, ∞ = 1, infinity equals one, the scratching has stopped.
I have described earlier in this post that;
“∞ = 1; Is a simple binary statement that something exists”
And it is that simple;
“They both, ∞ = 0 and ∞ = 1, have to exist as possibilities as it would be beyond any reason to say, or suggest, that creating something from an absolute absence of everything, ∞ = 0, is more likely, or less absurd, than something existing forever with no beginning and no apparent end, ∞ = 1, or vice versa.”
Now, that statement above is certainly true, but, in total there are 3 states of possibility that can arise. Firstly a perpetual and complete absence of everything is possible, ∞ = 0. Secondly, something can possibly be created from nothing thus ∞ = 0 → ∞ = 1, and lastly, it is also possibly true that ∞ = 1 exists as a perpetual truth such that ∞ = 0 has never occurred and never will.
Quite simple really, and totally absurd, but that’s the reality of it.

There really isn’t that much more to add and this is more or less the summary of infinity equals one. It really is a pretty simple statement and concept, if something exists then ∞ = 1. Any other conversation about infinity equals one really takes us into the area of infints and the property of infinite uncertainty which I don’t really want to get into at the moment. I will be writing extensively about them and will, very shortly, start that writing. What I will do now though is briefly cover infinity and some related topics that exist at a more universal level.
What is infinity indeed. Well, I know it’s not a tangible “thing”. It is a property of things as opposed to an independent thing itself. I also know that infinity is everywhere. Every single thing that exists in this universe has an infinite capacity to it, everything. You, me, the screen you’re reading this from, they all have an infinite capacity. And that is because infinity is a fundamental property of everything.
At a universal scale infinity is a unitless, scalable reference framework within which we, and everything else, exist. It can be as big or as small as it needs to be. To give you a bit of assistance in visualising that idea, I’ll give you another analogous example similar to the computer example I provided in my other article, Infinity Equals Zero.
So, in an attempt to help you visualise infinity, I will give you an example, which will be a small amount of repetition for some, sorry bout that.
Right then, imagine you’re sitting staring at a blank un-energised computer screen, the same computer screen from the last example as mentioned. You turn the screen on, and instantly you see a jet black space with a large rotating red cube. This is real, the space is real, the cube is real. This is the state, in-silica, of infinity equals one. And we know this is the case, because we can measure the size of the cube, whereas previously we couldn’t, there was no cube, nothing existed, thus there was no infinity. But now, we can measure any side, we can time the rotation, we can even measure the redness of the red.
You can spin the cube around or you can spin your view around the cube, you can observe the cube from any point or direction you like. The cube, for all it matters is real. It is there in space and time in the realm of the computer, in-silica. That is ∞ = 1, infinity equals one.
Now you’re going to zoom out from the cube. You’re using your mouse wheel and your zooming in and out, and sure enough the cube gets bigger and smaller, bigger and smaller. Then, on the command line of this bit of computer software, you’re going to type in the following command and hit the enter key.
Zoom out to 3 trillion light years.
And there, right on that instant of executing that command, you’ve just changed your viewpoint by 3 trillion light years. The cube has disappeared, the screen is black and you’ve just vaporised the idea of the speed of light. That is infinity. It is not space, it is not time, it is infinity. It is a unitless, scalable reference framework within which our universe, and perhaps many other universes, as well as many other unknown things could possibly exist too, possibly.
At this point in the example, the cube still exists though. If there was someone there, sitting on the cube, they would still be able to measure the cube and it would measure what it always has done, albeit locally. To you though, the cube is so small it , for all practical purposes doesn’t exist. That’s because you’ve just scaled the unitless reference framework. And we know that it is just a unitless, scalable reference framework because nothing has been created, nothing came busting out of the computer, and there isn’t 3 trillion light years of space between you and the cube.
This is all, of course, complete speculation. All we really have at this point is an idea that has formed from observations of what can be experienced in this reality, in this universe that we perceive. That idea, however, of this single universe, should not exist as the singular representation of our existence to the exclusion of any or all other options. The fact is that there are an infinite number of possibilities to our reality. It is equally possible that, unknown to me or anyone else, that you were just created, just one minute ago.

You just came into existence one minute ago with a complete memory of the past and a completely schooled and learned history of the world around you. You are acutely aware of the present and the realness of your immediate surroundings, and you even have some plans for the future and dinner tonight. Every bit of your reality, it’s all as real as real can be. And it has all been created just for you. The only thing real and with actual purpose in your reality and apparent universe is you …. just let that thought sink in for a second ……
…… And now that you’ve just read those last few sentences and you’ve had time to think about the idea, it’s now maybe an idea that is quietly expanding in your imagination that maybe, did I just …. am I the ……. nah, really? What?
And so it goes on, and on.
This could be an extreme example of one possibility, maybe it’s true, maybe it is actually partly true, who knows? The point is though that it is a possibility, one of an infinite number, and it should never be cast aside as being an impossibility, ever. For therein lies danger as I will explain.
We are told about the universe that we live in. We are told about the big bang and all the rest of it. All of this, this assessment of the visible and measurable universe around us is taken as being the absolute totality of things, and there is nothing beyond that. There are no other possibilities beyond that which we can see and measure, and so, like any other dogma, that idea and those whom believe it or tricked into believing it, get fenced in and the gates locked.
This same narrowing dogmatic approach is, unfortunately, becoming more and more prevalent in the world today. Pick a topic or crisis de jour and you’ll find it easily enough. It exists quite commonly as a result of ignorance, willful or otherwise, but more dangerously it is also being propagated as a matter of design.
It is propagated and sanctioned by the elected and unelected alike, as morbid technocratic bullshit policy and propaganda with one single purpose, and that purpose is to control your mind and have you operate as an unwitting slave like agent for what I see is nothing but a fascist totalitarian agenda. None and nothing of which has your interests and welfare at the top of it’s list.
This then leads me into the main idea of what I want to talk about and that is the idea of The Property of Infinite Uncertainty. Over the next numerous articles this is what I will be writing about. I will be covering exactly what it is, why it’s important, what happens when it gets shut off, why that has catastrophic outcomes and many other related points, and some occasional distractions.
So if this is something you might be interested in, feel free to subscribe and if you have enjoyed this article I’d appreciate if you could share it with people you know, or even some complete strangers, I’m cool with that too. And as ever feel free to comment or ask a question.
I made this little thing to try to demonstrate that infinity is an integral property of things, all things. That it is absolutely hardwired into the world and universe around us.
It’s not the easiest thing to exhibit I suppose, and my crap photography really doesn’t help with that problem either. But to be honest, I’m pretty much used to that now and my care factor is rapidly approaching zero.
It is sculpted from a single piece of Pine and formed to provide some indication of a level of infinite complexity. It has some gold, silver and copper leaf highlights which are there to serve as a metaphor for the electric nature of our universe.