Growth Rings is a sculpture created out of a life long interest in particle physics, and many other things connected with that. One of those other many things is the idea of the property of infinite uncertainty that forms the foundation of our universe. This shouldn’t be confused with the uncertainty principle, although they do share some common ground. I will be expanding more about that in many future sculptures.

Anyway, Growth Rings is itself is a sculptural interpretation of String Theory. It is about how those one dimensional vibrating strings, or rings as they are theorised as, have the capacity to come together to form the universe we see around us. And with that process in mind, and the material used for the sculpture, hence the name Growth Rings.
It would be fair to say that this sculpture is the first of what is likely to become a life long, or what’s left of it, theme and story that I am compelled to tell.
And what is the story that I have to tell?. Well I can tell you that it is far too long to be written out in this one little post about Growth Rings, that’s for sure.
The purpose of the story though is to act as an antidote to the wave of corporate / government fascist totalitarianism that is sweeping across the globe and infesting everything in our lives. And it’s a plan being executed under the guise of the UN 2030 agenda and their 17 SDGs. There are other things, but this is the number one vehicle, this is their Trojan Horse.
The fact of the matter is that there is now too much fascist totalitarianism coming from various un-elected and unaccountable parasitic whores and organisations around the world. Given that, I now feel compelled to search for the antidote to that criminal Blandocracy™, as I call it. And this piece Growth Rings is the start of it.
Over the next little while I am going to do what I can to inform and educate in an attempt to stop the fascist undermining of our societies. I will show why the incoming fascist totalitarian plan is going to be a catastrophe for this planet. It’s probably not a lot in the scheme of things, and I realise it’s not the pinnacle of resistance. But, as resistance does go, it is more than zero, and that’s all that matters.
In particular I am going to demonstrate that the restriction of The Property Of Infinite Uncertainty will be a disaster for humanity. I will demonstrate that what our societies, and humanity need is MORE degrees of FREEDOM not less. This has, in part, been demonstrated in experiments in the past, possibly most famously by the mouse utopia experiments.
If you’re not across what I’m saying then, at this point you have two choices, jog on, or keep reading. I would like to hope that you will keep reading and take an interest. It doesn’t have to be with anything I make or write. I just want people to be aware that there is a wave of fascist totalitarianism coming, and to do something, whatever they can, to stop it.
If you want to keep reading I suggest starting with “The Politics Of Obedience” written by Etienne de La Boetire. This very short book will give you an understanding of how this fascist crisis has come about in the first place. Once you realise everything about the book, I’m sure you will experience the same realisation that I had.
I will leave things at that for the moment and let you to enjoy checking out Growth Rings. Also feel free to have a look around the rest of the website. In the meantime however, if you have any questions, hit the comments.