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Table Top Lectern

These table top lecterns are an excellent and very popular idea.

They are particularly useful in the kitchen for recipe books, cooking notes & the like.  They are especially handy if you are short on bench space or tend to make a bit of a mess.  I’ve also sold many to musicians, guitar players and any other musicians who can practice sitting down.

The table top lecterns I make are finished with Tung oil, which is a fully natural product from the Tung Tree or China Wood Oil Tree (Vernicia fordii). It makes them food safe, in case people do use them in the kitchen.

This particular lectern is Silky Oak & QLD Blackwood with a Brush Box pedestal.

Love the way I managed to get stuff on the camera lens before taking these pictures, awesome.  Anyway, while we’re on the subject of obscuring a line of sight, have you noticed the media and government do it relentlessly. They never let a crisis go to waste, as they say. And in some cases they actually invent the crisis themselves to obscure what they’re doing, or to support what they want to do.

There’s plenty of examples of it going back going back more than a century now.  In recent memory, 9/11 is one with the highest visual impact.  And there’s more coming, just watch.

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