Three Bottle Wine RackI used the timber off-cuts from previous projects for this Three Bottle Wine Rack.  And, I salvaged the stainless steel chain from old discarded prawn trawler netting.

The visual idea I want for this piece is to generate the effect of some kind of anti-gravity.  Or some other floating effect to draw peoples attention.  And while I have put this in the Art section, it could just as well have qualified for the sculpture section too, well, almost.

I TIG welded the chain.  The welding is much more involved than may be appreciable.  This is mainly because the force exerted by the bottles, particularly the farthest bottle, is significant.  That then requires the welding of all the links at all touching points, front and back.

This Three Bottle Wine Rack really is a cool effect and people love it.  Unfortunately not enough to buy it.  I was selling it in QLD , so ……… there’s a problem right there. Selling art in Queensland, and Australia generally is not an easy thing. If people can’t see any chance of accruing a profit on art, then they don’t buy it. Sad.

I find it’s a good use of scrap material, particularly when you know that most of it will go to landfill. It’s worth adding at this point, to check out the link at the bottom of this post. I am confident you’ll like it, especially if you like actual facts and truth. I hope you enjoy.

Three Bottle Wine Rack
Three Bottle Wine Rack
Three Bottle Wine Rack
11 Chain Wine Rack 2
11 Chain Wine Rack 3
11 Chain Wine Rack 1
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