One comment that I always used to receive a lot was, why wasn’t I making any chairs?. Well, I can make chairs, and this is my chair.
The reason I don’t make random chairs to sell is because peoples dimensions are many and varied. I’m also not keen on making a whole bunch of chairs that I can’t sell. Additionally, I just don’t have that much storage space, nor the ability to move them around. Anyway, I eventually got the sh!ts with the questions and made myself a chair, my chair.
More of a throne really, than a chair. I have since cut the back down on this so that it looks a bit more normal. I get that the styling is a bit ordinary, but styling wasn’t the point of making my chair. It was just the act of demonstrating robust joinery and function.
I did enjoy making the Camphor Laurel inlays into the arms. They are, by the way, more than sufficiently wide enough to put a pint glass on. And that was, above all else, the first and only design concern with this. The woods I used are Melaleuca, Silky Oak, Brigalow, Rose Gum and Camphor Laurel. The seat is covered with Cow leather.