This piece Perched, is very much made with the main guiding principle that I try to apply to the things I make, simplicity.  It is similar, with that idea of simplicity, to this sculpture Num Num.

Aside from the pedestal base It is literally just two pieces of wood fastened together, that’s it.


The point of the sculpture, on the other hand is a little more complex. And there are two components to it.

Firstly, I am trying to engage with the observers and invoke the psychological effect known as Pareidolia. If you’re not familiar with this effect it does have a rather dry definition, but can be loosely described as seeing things that just aren’t there.

This is very much like truth in politics, or modern politics generally. Sounds like it could be true, looks like it could be true, and possibly it may even feel as though it’s true. It’s almost certainly going to be a lie and the absolute opposite of what you’re being told.

And that brings me to the second purpose of this sculpture Perched.

It is a warning for some and a reminder to others.

At the time of posting we are, in this year of 2024, absolutely perched on the edge of catastrophe. And as we move along these next years, approaching 2030.

Things are going to get worse. Much much worse.  The reasons for this are complex, and I’m not going to mention them all here in this post. However, if you want to know, start by having a look at the UN 2030 agenda and the 17 SDGs. Then go and do a search and find out what conclusions other people have made about this plan that they have.

I’m confident you’ll find that things are not going to go well, and that we really are perched on the edge of disaster. And this disaster is going to take the form of a global fascist takeover which will see the end of your democracy, and more importantly, the end of your freedom.

For more information you’ll just have to check out some of the other posts, and my new Mexican pieces.

13 Balancing Act 4
13 Balancing Act 2
13 Balancing Act 3
13 Balancing Act 1
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