Sculpture Art Furniture

Here at Crooked Timber, beside writing about my sculpture, art & artisan furniture, I also include some social commentary, and other things.  And for those whom are interested in timber, or don’t know what chatoyance is, check this out PZC Chatometry.  It’s my mate Paulos’ project in Italy, to which I am a contributor.  I was told I’d also be best to write something nice in the opening paragraph too, so I deleted what I had written and wrote this instead, it’s the best I could do.

Seriously though, welcome to my website Crooked Timber and my Sculpture, Art & Artisan Furniture.  I’m sure you’ll find some interesting things and if not, that’s unfortunate, I did try though.

The name of the site is borrowed from the famous (translated) line by Immanuel Kant.  To what he wrote I can only add that I use this title as a recognition that none of us are perfect, we are all Crooked Timber.  And we have to be, because that “imperfection” is the inevitability of the property of infinite uncertainty that is the dominant property of the universe.  More about that coming soon.

Creatively this Crooked Timber website is an AI free zone.  And so, with that stated, all of the Sculptures Art & Furniture in here are made by a human.  And all of the words are written by a human too, and that’d be me.  Also, I would like to note that this site is an ongoing work in progress.  So it is likely to change on any given day.  I thought I was finished putting it together, oh the naivete.

Finally, one thing that I am trying to promote here at Crooked Timber is Truth and Honesty.  And those are things that I like.  I like them because they do not mind scrutiny nor the harsh light of day.  And for the people and fact wreckers that try to silence those things, well ….. there’s a special place for them.

Sculpture Art Fine Handmade Artisan Furniture

Sculpture Art Furniture

Crooked Timber Sculpture, Art & Artisan Furniture


The sculptures that I create are visual representations of abstract thoughts, ideas and observations.

Art & Other Things

This page is the output of my experimental curiosity from when I’m not doing any of the other things I do.


The main focus of my furniture is to keep things simple.  I’m not a fan of the overly ornate, but lots of colour is good.

About Me

Hello, I am Charles E McGuire.

Nowadays I make Sculpture, Art & Artisan Furniture.  But, maybe not so much of the furniture anymore.  An ex-Engineering Surveyor, I am now an Artist and based in Mexico for the time being.

Born and raised in Scotland, at 21 I ended up in Saudi Arabia working for a Swedish Engineering company where I spent the next 6 years or so.  This included Iraqs’ invasion of Kuwait and the first Gulf War.

I have lived most of my adult life in Australia, but due to recent and fairly obvious circumstances, I am now in Mexico …………


More about me and this website >>>>

The Gate Post v2.0 Sculpture Art Fine Handmade Artisan Furniture


Maybe you’re an artist and want to know how I do some of the things I do?  Hopefully you’re someone who’s looking to buy something or commission that special piece, either way……………….

Don’t be shy, click here to contact >>>

Crooked Timber Sculpture Art & Other Things Furniture Contact About

I do not use Meta products, for obvious reasons.

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