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There isn’t anything hugely deep and meaningful about Secondly.  It’s really about whether I can coax the observer into pondering what the first point was.  And, considering that this is secondly, perhaps is there a third and yet unexplained point.

Who knows?

The unknown is a reasonable thing to contemplate, and it is something I do often.  The most extraordinary thing I can think of is the origins of our universe.  I can only describe that contemplation as totally and completely absurd.  There is nothing in there that isn’t mind blowing, and mind blowing to the extent of being nauseating at times.

And this contemplation is brilliant inspiration for additional works that I will be creating over the next few years.

It took a bit of time finding a piece of wood for this sculpture.  I didn’t want anything that was too hard like some of the other pieces I have made.  Eventually I settled on using a piece of Scribbly Gum.  This in itself was unusual as Scribbly Gum has a huge shrinkage ratio, about 17%.  So finding a piece big enough that hadn’t split was a bit lucky I suspect.  This piece Secondly does include a bit of sapwood though which is the darker wood.

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