Being a sculptor, and someone who works with wood, it’s not an unreasonable question to ask, If They Could Speak. Certainly it ranks of the surrealist end of the scale, but you get that. And what if they could speak. Personally I don’t reckon they’d be too happy.
And while were on the subject of communication, have you noticed the coordinated effort to censor people around the world. It seems that all of the five eyes countries, along with a few others have gone full totalitarian dictatorship. Extremely worrying times when expressing factual opinion is censored.
And it has happened before. In fact, every single despotic regime that has ever existed on this planet has employed this very tactic. Did you know the expression “Conspiracy Theorist” was first used by the C!A to try and discredit people who suspected the C!A were lying.
The thing about truth is that it doesn’t mind daylight. It is durable and strong and doesn’t mind scrutiny. Lies on the other hand, well they don’t last long in daylight or under scrutiny, which is why they need that protection of censorship. And that’s what’s is happening right now.
In fact have you ever looked at a fact wrecker article?. If you have you may have noticed that it frequently takes them about 2000 words to get to some dubious conclusion that’s shrouded in ambiguity and other deceitful tactics. Bearing in mind, this is all done only after, at the headline and very start of their writing, unequivocally stated that what they’re writing about is absolutely 100% false. The reason they do this is because they’re lying.
Yep, it’s more than enough to be angry about.