This hall table with display shelf is a design I’d never thought of until I was asked. The table is similar to many I’ve made before. The differences are that it is slightly larger with a lower display shelf.
The woods are Blackwood (QLD), Brigalow & Rose Gum top, Brigalow apron, Red Mahogany Legs and a Melaleuca display shelf with Red Mahogany framing. The finish is Carnauba Wax over Danish Oil.
As far as furniture goes this hall table with display shelf is a nice variation of a theme. It obviously has more utility especially if you’re short on space. Probably a nice place to display some sculpture, and I know where you can but some of those too.
And while we’re on the subject of something I’d never thought of. I never thought that I would see the onset of global fascism in my lifetime. This is of course the inevitable end of capitalism. I knew, even as a child, that capitalism is a self consuming system, and this is the end.
You see, like every ….ism they all look good on paper. They all look good on paper and then you add a part of the human condition. You add that person that always manages to float above above the rest. The psychopathic sociopathic narcissist. Or perhaps the Eugenicist, and I wonder who that could be, Gates of Hell, probably.