The Second Wave is very much sculpture as furniture.  It’s a stunning design with an extraordinary visual impact.

The Second Wave A Boutique Sculptural Creation

There is one other, the original, Amplitude.

I liked the design, the styling, all of it so much, I thought I’d make another one.

It’s quite lucky that there are any photographs of The Second Wave at all. My phone died after it was sold, with no backup of the photos during the making process. Phew, that was close.

In all likelihood this piece will be the last  post that I make in this category, which is a bit of a shame.  But, ah well, I’ve cracked a bottle of wine while I’m writing this, so here’s to you my furniture making.  You were challenging at times and quite frequently annoying, but there is one thing that surpasses all of that.

The one thing that carries no regret is the look I have created on the faces of thousands of people.  The awe, the wonder and amazement. If I hadn’t seen it all first hand, I probably wouldn’t believe it either, but there you go.

So, take sometime to have a look around.  Maybe you’ll find somethings that will invoke the same emotions, I would like to think so. On the off chance that they do, feel free to drop me a line in the comments below or on the contact page, anytime will do.

And never forget to Shine On You Crazy Diamond.

The Second Wave A Boutique Sculptural Creation
A Boutique Sculptural Creation
The Second Wave A Boutique Sculptural Creation
A Boutique Sculptural Creation
The Second Wave A Boutique Sculptural Creation
The Second Wave A Boutique Sculptural Creation
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32 The-Second-Wave Top Close 2
32 The-Second-Wave 2
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32 The-Second-Wave 1
32 The-Second-Wave Leg Close 1
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A second wave. Not really the sort of thing that people think about, probably because they’re still shell shocked from the first wave.

But they are nevertheless a thing. Sometimes they are natural and sometimes a second wave is absolutely planned.

Take the following video for example,

Now, before I go on, this video is not easy to find anymore because there are many people out there that don’t want you to know about any of this next pandemic. So if the link is broken don’t be too surprised, it’s likely been scrubbed from the internet like all the other copies.

So it would seem then, if you’ve watched the video, the second wave, if you like, is almost certainly going to happen.

And lets be clear. We’re talking about a second wave of a 1 in 100 year event occurring in a matter of apparently, not very long. Certainly less than 100 years judging by the knowing smirks you can see in the video.

Make no mistake, it is psychopaths like the two you can see in the video whom absolutely want this to happen. They want it to happen because they both share a dream of eugenics. For more information on that and specifically one of the clowns in the video, follow this link.

It’s not a new idea, that of eugenics. It’s been around for a very very long time and documented too. Feel free to educate yourself here.

So the bottom line is that now these people, read billionaire parasite class, have robots and AI, your time on this plant, or at least your kids time anyway, is absolutely limited. Unless, of course they can find themselves in the crowd of less than half a billion that apparently is the maximum desired human population.

They are coming for you, open your eyes and you will see.

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