It’s easy to appreciate that this style of classic hall table isn’t for everyone. I mean, it’s not exactly a beach side piece of furniture, but that doesn’t stop it from being stunning.

What I particularly like is how the colour of the timbers and chatoyance absolutely ignite. They practically glow under the right lighting.

Classic Hall Table

It’s a popular design and this is another slightly tweeked variation. Slightly taller, slightly narrower under carriage and slightly thinner legs. The woods are, Red Mahogany under carriage & top surround, Rose Gum insert and Blackwood (QLD) centre.

And like many of the other pieces I make it maintains the same design philosophy, simplicity.  You don’t need to have uber complexity and flashing lights over everything, it’s fair to say that the old adage “less is more” rings true with classic hall table and all the rest.

Mechanically, the legs have traditional corner bracing.  The Aprons are mortice & tenon.  And the top is, longitudinally & transversely, tongue and groove.  The top is held down with traditional table buttons, allowing some freedom of movement for expansion etc.

While we’re on the subject of freedom of movement, just letting you know yours is about to go bye bye.  And all based on a lie.  If that’s a surprise to you then I suggest you wakey wakey and start paying attention.It’s easy to appreciate that this style of classic hall table isn’t for everyone. I mean, it’s not exactly a beach side piece of furniture, but that doesn’t stop it from being stunning.

What I particularly like is how the colour of the timbers and chatoyance absolutely ignite. They practically glow under the right lighting.

It’s a popular design and this is another slightly tweeked variation. Slightly taller, slightly narrower under carriage and slightly thinner legs. The woods are, Red Mahogany under carriage & top surround, Rose Gum insert and Blackwood (QLD) centre.

And like many of the other pieces I make it maintains the same design philosophy, simplicity.  You don’t need to have uber complexity and flashing lights over everything, it’s fair to say that the old adage “less is more” rings true with classic hall table and all the rest.

Mechanically, the legs have traditional corner bracing.  The Aprons are mortice & tenon.  And the top is, longitudinally & transversely, tongue and groove.  The top is held down with traditional table buttons, allowing some freedom of movement for expansion etc.

While we’re on the subject of freedom of movement, just letting you know yours is about to go bye bye.  And all based on a lie.  If that’s a surprise to you then I suggest you wakey wakey and start paying attention.

Classic Hall Table
Classic Hall Table
Classic Hall Table
Classic Hall Table
Classic Hall Table
Classic Hall Table
Classic Hall Table
Classic Hall Table
19 A Table That Glows 1
19 A Table That Glows 2
19 A Table That Glows 3
19 A Table That Glows 4
19 A Table That Glows 5
19 A Table That Glows 6
19 A Table That Glows 7
19 A Table That Glows 8
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