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The Second Wave is very much sculpture as furniture. It’s a stunning design with an extraordinary visual impact.
There is one other, the original, Amplitude.
I liked the design, the styling, all of it so much, I thought I’d make another one.
It’s quite lucky that there are any photographs of this at all. My phone died after it was sold, with no backup of the photos during the making process. Phew, that was close.
In all likelihood this piece, The Second Wave, will be the last post that I make in this category, which is a bit of a shame. But, ah well, I’ve cracked a bottle of wine while I’m writing this, so here’s to you my furniture making. You were challenging at times and quite frequently annoying, but there is one thing that surpasses all of that.
The one thing that carries no regret is the look I have created on the faces of thousands of people. The awe, the wonder and amazement. If I hadn’t seen it all first hand, I probably wouldn’t believe it either, but there you go.
So, take sometime to have a look around. Maybe you’ll find somethings that will invoke the same emotions, I would like to think so. On the off chance that they do, feel free to drop me a line in the comments below or on the contact page, anytime will do.